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Tag Archives: Vermont Technical College
Lecturecast 7: Unix
Unix family tree: and the Unix design philosophy. [quicktime][/quicktime] [podcast][/podcast] And here are the slides
Lecturecast 5: IT roles, AUPs and SLAs
This episode cover the business forms like acceptable use policies and service level agreements and business continuity planning. [quicktime][/quicktime] [podcast][/podcast] Get the slides here
Too many lectures on the front page
A few folks have commented that the quick time version of the lectures are all downloading at the same time when they load the front page. In order to cut down on the download size and increase the speed at which the front page loads, I’ve reduced the number of posts that appear on the […]
Lecturecast 4: gpg lab and more ethics
Here’s the GPG lab explained and some more ethics discussion. [quicktime][/quicktime] [podcast][/podcast] Slides are here
Lecturecast 3: The way things used to wuzzes be.
A lot of Q&A and some history. [quicktime][/quicktime] [podcast][/podcast] And here are the slides
Drive safe if you do go to lab
Randolph area schools are closed today and the rain is coming down fairly hard here. Please note that you should not put yourself in harms way to attend the lab. We can do a make-up lab session next week if need be. Unless things get worse, I intend to be at VTC in the Green […]
Posted in VTC
Tagged as: cis2230, safety, system admin, Vermont Technical College, weather
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Quiz One Reminder
The first quiz has been posted to Blackboard and will open at noon today. Please take all the time you need to select the BEST answer for the questions presented. You have until tomorrow noon to complete the quiz. If you have technical difficulties with Blackboard please notify me while the quiz is still open.
Blackboard quiz delayed
I’m sure this will dissapoint you all but I’m going to delay the blackboard quiz until Monday at noon. Please have a great weekend and listen to podcast #2, the quiz will cover the gpg info presented it that podcast.
CIS 2151 students, check you grades!
I am feverishly trying to finish out the semester and I want to post final grades to the registrar tomorrow afternoon. Please look at your grade in blackboard and check the forums for additional grade information.