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Tag Archives: Vermont Technical College
Grades are done!
Woo hoo! I have caught up all the grading for all the items I received on 9 December. I’m still computing part points. To ensure you get credit for forum posts, make sure your real name is listed in your forum user info.
Lab, Homework, and Exam return
If you would like your labs, quizzes, exams, or homework returned to study from for the final exam. I can schedule a work-return session on Monday night at 6PM in Green 111. Please email me over the weekend or post in the forums if you plan to meet me in Green 111 to retrieve […]
CIS 2151 Important end of course details
There will be two more podcasts, everything in them will be testable on the final. The final exam is at Shape on Thursday December 17th at 8AM. Grades are being updated in blackboard tonight and Friday night. Please check blackboard on Monday. If you have handed something in and it is not shown with a […]
Turn-In Day, 9 December 2009
The absolute last day to turn in work for a grade is 9 December 2009. I’ll be on campus from 2 until 9PM on Wednesday the 9th and will accept labs and book reports in accordance with the rules as spelled out in the syllabus. (i.e. printed, stapled, not hand written, and not emailed) I […]
Posted in VTC
Tagged as: book report, cis-2151, homework, labs, networks 1, Vermont Technical College
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Leturecast 11: DNS and Web
[podcast][/podcast] DNS and Web service lecture. Note: There is a distortion at about 28:30 and it lasts a short 30 seconds. I’ll remix it tonight and post a correction around 9PM. I’ll update this message once the corrected mp3 is in place.
Exam #2 is posted in the forums
I’ve posted exam #2 in the forums, all current CIS 2151 student should grab a copy of the pdf file, print it, and complete the exam before you meet with me in lab again. Please work alone, but you may use notes and your book to complete the test. You MUST notify me before 30 […]
Optional lab today (18Nov09)
Today’s lab is completely optional. You may attend lab at the regular time if you wish to do lab #10. If you chose not to attend lab, your grade will not be damaged in any way.
Should we meet for lab?
There are a number of CIS-2151 (Networks 1) people going to New York this week. The question on the table is, should we cancel lab this week and start fresh when people get back from the break? Email, tweet, call the course phone #, or post in the forums.
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Tagged as: cis-2151, networks 1, Vermont Technical College, VTC
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Lecturecast 10: Firewalls and NAT
Here’s lecture 10, firewalls and NAT. [podcast][/podcast]
The how and where of exam #2
We need to take exam #2 once we complete the layer 3 and 4 discussion. Lecture 10 will be the end of the layer 4 topics (tcp, udp, congestion control, and firewalls) and lab #10 is the last layer 4ish lab. I have posted a poll in the forums and I would like feed back […]