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Tag Archives: cis2230
Drive safe if you do go to lab
Randolph area schools are closed today and the rain is coming down fairly hard here. Please note that you should not put yourself in harms way to attend the lab. We can do a make-up lab session next week if need be. Unless things get worse, I intend to be at VTC in the Green […]
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Tagged as: cis2230, safety, system admin, Vermont Technical College, weather
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Quiz One Reminder
The first quiz has been posted to Blackboard and will open at noon today. Please take all the time you need to select the BEST answer for the questions presented. You have until tomorrow noon to complete the quiz. If you have technical difficulties with Blackboard please notify me while the quiz is still open.
Blackboard quiz delayed
I’m sure this will dissapoint you all but I’m going to delay the blackboard quiz until Monday at noon. Please have a great weekend and listen to podcast #2, the quiz will cover the gpg info presented it that podcast.
Lecturecast 2: GPG
This lecture is about CIA and GPG. Welcome to the alphabet soup that is the IT world. [quicktime][/quicktime] [podcast][/podcast] And the slides are here
Keep those lab write ups coming
Thank you all students who are emailing me lab reports. Please email me anything you don’t gave a grade for in BB. Don’t fret about being late. We’ve had a number of mail server and BB issues this semester. The key here is to get credit for work done.
Final exam is posted and available
The final for CIS2230 is posted on blackboard and ready for students. You can take the exam early if you wish. Please work alone. The exam is open book and open note. Do not share answers or questions with other students. Select the BEST answer for the question. Good luck and please email me if […]
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Tagged as: cis2230, final exam, system administration, Vermont Technical College
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Labs are graded and posted to BB
Any and all labs that I have in my possession are now graded and the grades are posted on Blackboard. Please review the information BEFORE taking the final exam and ensure that I have all the work you believe you have handed in to me. Some caveats and hints about grades: – Exams and quizzes […]
Why old school C?
I received this as an unanswered question in a lab and I wanted to respond to this before the close of the semester.
Herein lies a rant about why I teach old things to new students.
Posted in VTC
Tagged as: cis2230, rant, system adminstration, unanswered lab questions, Vermont Technical College
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Lab turn in
It’s nearly the end of the semester. Please make sure you turn in any labs. You don’t need to write an apology or an excuse for why the labs are late, I care about getting your lab grades computed correctly, not why your PC ate lab 4 and you had to find it and re-write […]
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Tagged as: cis2230, system adminstration, Vermont Technical College
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