Category Archives: News and Opinion

Migration to android

I can’t take it anymore!  The iPhone’s new user interface is just too stark and bland and thin.  I had a long chat with an Apple employee about the philosophical reasons behind the abandonment of skeuomorphics.  The newest Mac OS is sporting a flattened and bland interface as well and no theme settings or adjustments. […]

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International Tabletop Day

 I went shopping on Tapletop day and acquired a number of games at huge discounts. I won the Munchkin Dungeon of Superior Shopping promo card at Epic Loot  SJ Games marketing is brilliant  I don’t have the munchkin expansion to use the card I won so now I’m on the lookout for yet another Munchkin […]

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Games Workshop retail store

I found my way into a Games Workshop retail store last night.  I was excited to learn about the store.  I was hoping that a GW retail outlet would be something special.  The manager was friendly and knowledgeable.  He knew the games and army compositions and the lore.  He offered constructive tips on how to […]

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Hirst Arts molds

I picked up a selection of Hirst Arts castlemolds at Gen Con this year.  I have wanted to find a solution for scenery for RPGs and Warhammer fantasy battles.  I looked at the pre-build walls and hallways from a few different vendors.  I wanted to have more options and be more creative with my scenes. […]

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Last Night on Earth first impressions

We finally got around to playing the Last Night on Earth game. I’m not a big zombie fan, but I found that I liked the game. I’m a huge fan of Mansions of Madness; the one thing that causes trouble with Mansions is the long setup time. If you setup a card stack wrong or […]

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Red Dragon Inn play test

For longer than I can recall I’ve wanted to play the Red Dragon Inn. For one reason or another it was on my short list, but something else always came out or was the new hotness and I never got around to buying a copy.  Also, I was skeptical about the theme.  My gaming group includes […]

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Free trade coffees in an anti-competitive pod: hippie hypocrits!

Green Mountain Coffee Roasters is hard at work making pods for the Keurig brewer that contain some kind of exclusivity device.  Just like iTunes music that gets tied to your computer the Keurig 2.0 system will only brew drinks from licensed pod makers.  That means kiss those lower cost pods at Wal-Mart good bye.  If […]

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Relic: finally played a full game.

We finally sat down for a full on game of Relic.  We adopted a house rule to allow leveling up with 4 points worth of trophies, rather than the 6 points as mentioned in the rules.  This was an attempt to make the game move along a little quicker. Even with the lower threshold for […]

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A long day of playing Eldritch Horror

Eldritch Horror is the new Lovecraftian board game from Fantasy Flight.  Many people have called it Arkham Horror 2.0.  After playing several games I don’t think EH is a revised Arkham.  It plays quite differently and when my AH group approached this game as yet another AH big box expansion we lost.  We lost a […]

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Warhammer on-line is gone?!

I decided to check in on my free-to-play rank 10 Dwarf Engineer.  I hadn’t played Warhammer on-line much but I did like the game.  I didn’t make it past the first PvP area.  I pulled up the client and nothing happened.  It looked like the application wanted to update.  So I headed over to the […]

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